Illion / Experian Terms

MasterCard Prepaid Management Services Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 145 452 044 (“MasterCard”) will disclose your ‘name’, ‘residential address’ and ‘date of birth’ to the Illion and/or Experian credit reporting agency for the purpose of Illion and/or Experian preparing an assessment (the Assessment) of whether your personal information, comprised of ‘name’, ‘residential address’ and ‘date of birth’, that you have provided as part of this card activation, matches the personal information contained in a credit information file which is in the possession and control of Illion and/or Experian. 

The Assessment by Illion and/or Experian is for the purpose of assisting in the verification of your identity, as is a requirement under the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Act 2006 and will not involve a check of your credit rating or your eligibility for credit. 

Illion and/or Experian may rely on the personal information about you, as well as the names, residential addresses and dates of birth contained in credit information files of other individuals, for the purpose of preparing the Assessment. Illion and/or Experian may prepare the Assessment and provide details of the Assessment to MasterCard. 

You agree to MasterCard disclosing your ‘name’, ‘residential address’ and ‘date of birth’ to Illion and/or Experian.

You agree to MasterCard making a request to Illion and/or Experian to prepare the Assessment.