Donate Your Foreign Coins


What is Small Change, Big Difference? 

Small Change, Big Difference is a foreign coin exchange program that allows individuals to donate their unwanted and unusable foreign coins to support UNICEF Australia’s work protecting children around the world.

We believe right now there are millions of dollars in foreign currency lying dormant across Australian homes and offices. Instead of stashing your leftover currency in a drawer and forgetting about it, why not donate your foreign coins so that they can be put to good use? 

Many people believe that a few dollars, baht or euros is not enough to make a real difference. But when AUD$2.10 could help support five children with emergency nutrition rations, you can help save a life by giving UNICEF Australia those “useless” foreign coins. 

Travel Money Oz and UNICEF Australia have united to establish collection points for unwanted and unusable foreign coins, so that you can make a big difference with your small change. UNICEF Australia collects coins from any country and can convert it into donations to help children, especially those most disadvantaged and hardest to reach. 

You can deposit and donate foreign coins at any Travel Money Oz store today!

How unwanted or unusable foreign coins can help 

On average, when a person donates their foreign money, they give over $17 per donation. This might not sound like much, but even the smallest amount can have a profound impact on giving a child the chance to survive and thrive. So far, since our partnership started in 2017, over $400,000 has been raised through our Small Change, Big Difference program thanks to our amazing customers. 

Here’s how your foreign coins can make a difference: 
  • 1 UK penny can provide 4 water purification tablets, each able to create up to 5 litres of clean drinking water. 
  • 65 Euro cents can provide a child with an exercise book and 14 pencils for school. 
  • 2 NZ Dollars can provide a severely malnourished child with therapeutic food for one day. 
  • 272 Indian Rupees (roughly $5 AUD) can provide up to 72 antimalarial tablets. 
  • 256 Thai Baht (roughly $12 AUD) can provide up to 56 doses of lifesaving polio vaccine.
Here's who your foreign coins are making a difference to: 

From helping children and families flee conflict in Ukraine, to giving life-saving treatment in Somalia, your generous donations have been helping children all around the world. Our friends at UNICEF Australia have written a heartwarming blog detailing just a few of the people whose lives have "changed" thanks to your generous donations.



UNICEF is the United Nations Children’s Fund. Established after WWII, UNICEF exists to save, protect and empower children to reach their full potential. They work with families, communities and governments to ensure every child is protected from harm and has access to healthy food, safe water and an education. UNICEF is the world’s leading organisation for children and operates worldwide. 

UNICEF Australia works with partners such as Travel Money Oz to collect and manage the donations of foreign coins for charity. UNICEF, through existing systems, relies on the collection and processing of these unwanted and unusable foreign coins and converts it into real, meaningful work for children.