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AUD to JPY Exchange Rate

Today's Rate
The rate displayed below is based on 1 AUD to JPY.
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Code JPY
Symbol ¥
Unholed - ¥1, ¥10, ¥100, ¥500; Holed - ¥5, ¥50
¥1000, ¥2000, ¥5000 and ¥10,000

Buy Japanese Yen

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About the Yen

Coins and Notes

The Japanese yen (¥) is available in unholed coins ¥1, ¥10, ¥100, and ¥500, and holed coins ¥5 and ¥50. Banknotes include ¥1000, ¥2000, ¥5000 and ¥10,000 variations.

Facts about the currency

  • The name ‘yen’ comes from the Japanese translation of ‘a round object’.
  • Between December 1941 and April 1949, the yen didn’t have a true exchange rate, as wartime inflation had reduced the yen to a fraction of its value before the war. The US occupation government fixed the value of the yen at ¥360 per US$1 in 1949 in an attempt to stabilise prices in the Japanese economy. This rate was abandoned in 1971.
  • While most nations display the Gregorian calendar year of mintage on their coins, yen coins display the year of the current emperor's reign.