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AUD to SBD Exchange Rate

Code SBD
Symbol $
10, 20, 50 cents, $1, $2
$5, $10, $20, $50 and $100

Buy Solomon Islands Dollars Online

  • Budget planning tool

    Punch in your holiday deets below to use crowd-sourced Numbeo data* to help you plan your spending money.

  • No commission

    On foreign exchange rates when you order with Travel Money Oz.

  • Pick up locally

    With convenient store locations across Australia, you can securely pick up your Solomon Islands Dollars with no hassles.

Planning your trip to Solomon Islands

Holiday Budget Calculator

We get it, doing your holiday budget is a snore fest. It's important though, so we've made it super easy for you to do now. Just punch in your holiday deets and we'll combine destination spend data with our exchange rates so you know how much to take. Easy peasy budget donesy!

About Solomon Islands Currency

Coins and notes

The Solomon coins and notes are incredibly similar to the Australian system, so there’s no need to take study notes or conversion guides with you. You’ll find 10c, 20c and 50c coins, and the classic $1 and $2 coins on the top-end. The notes are exactly the same as ours – with $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 denominations.

Facts about Solomon Islands Dollar

  • The Australian pound sterling was used in Solomon Islands up until the nation was made independent in 1977.
  • Just like us, all Solomon Islands’ coins bear the face of Queen Elizabeth II, who is still Queen of the nation.
  • Banknotes take a more modern look at their culture, showing scenes of the traditional daily routines and culturally significant aspects of the Solomon Islands.

Need some Solomon Islands dollars? Check out the rate using the chart. If you’re not feeling it, you can sign up for currency alerts instead. When the exchange rate is right where you want it, you’ll receive an alert. Every extra cent helps if you plan on being as wealthy as King Solomon himself!