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AUD to XPF Exchange Rate

Today's Rate
The rate displayed below is based on 1 AUD to XPF.
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Code XPF
Symbol Fr
1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 francs
500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 francs

Buying CFP Francs Online

  • Budget planning tool

    Punch in your holiday deets below to use crowd-sourced Numbeo data* to help plan your spending money.

  • No commission

    On foreign exchange rates when you order with Travel Money Oz.

  • Pick up locally

    With convenient store locations across Australia, you can securely pick up your CFP Francs with no hassles.

Planning your trip to French Polynesia

Holiday Budget Calculator

We get it, doing your holiday budget is a snore fest. It's important though, so we've made it super easy for you to do now. Just punch in your holiday deets and we'll combine destination spend data with our exchange rates so you know how much to take. Easy peasy budget donesy!

Coins and notes

Francs are fairly well distributed, with the coins offering values of 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50 and 100 francs a piece.

The notes cover 500, 1,000, 5,000 and 10,000 francs. Who knew Franc was so versatile? 

Facts about the currency

  • The CFP franc was founded when the French franc was retired following WWII.
  • Every XPF banknote shows a landscape or historical figure from French Polynesia on one side, and New Caledonia on the other, so every note is like your own little postcard.
  • Some tourist businesses will accept Australian and New Zealand currencies, but watch out, their exchange rates might not be as friendly as old Franc!
  • The CFP franc was used in 3 different forms across New Hebrides, French Polynesia and New Caledonia right up to 1985, until a little common sense kicked in.

This chart shows how the Aussie dollar to XPF history has played out in recent months and years. Set a date range to see the trends and get a feel for whether now is a good time to purchase your CFP Franc. You can sign up for currency alerts and when the exchange rates are where you want, you’ll get an alert to start funding your francs.