Currency Card Fees and Limits
Buying and using foreign currencies couldn’t be easier than with a Travel Money Oz Currency Card.
Simply order in store or online for your personalised card, and in 3-7 days it’ll be there and ready to go.
It’s important to understand the exact fees and limits to operating a Currency Card, so these are all outlined below.
Buying your card at any Travel Money Oz store or authorised retail outlet FREE Buying your card online FREE Initial funds load (not available for BPAY) FREE Making purchases in the same currency as loaded on your card (some merchants may charge a fee, but nothing from us!) FREE Customer services such as checking Card Balance or Transaction History via the online portal, app or through the Customer Service Centre FREE Balance enquiries at ATMs, both domestic and international (some ATM operators may charge you a direct fee for using their ATM, but again, nothing on our end) FREE Inactivity fee FREE Reloading your card in store FREE (credit card cash advance fees may apply) Reloading your card using bank transfer (if available) FREE Reloading your card online via the portal or app using debit/credit card 1.1% of the total amount (+ credit card cash advance fees may apply) Reloading your card using BPAY 1% of the total amount Negative balance fee FREE Cash out fee (when you close your card and cash out your balance) $10 Currency to Currency foreign exchange rate (this is applied when you move your funds from one currency to another currency available on your card) At the then applicable retail foreign exchange rate determined by us. We will notify you of the rate that will apply at the time you allocate funds from one currency to another currency. Currency Conversion foreign exchange rate (this is applied when a purchase or ATM withdrawal is conducted in a currency either not loaded or sufficient to complete the transaction and the cost is allocated against the currency/ies used to fund the transaction) FREE - the Spend Rate will apply to foreign exchange transactions in accordance with the Terms and Conditions International ATM withdrawal fee (outside Australia). Note: some ATM operators may charge their own fee USD 2.50
EUR 2.50
GBP 2.00
NZD 3.50
THB 80.00
CAD 3.50
HKD 18.00
JPY 260.00
SGD 3.50
AUD 3.50 (for international ATM withdrawals in countries not mentioned above or insufficient funds in the relevant currency to cover the whole transaction)Domestic ATM withdrawal fee – where you use your card to make a withdrawal from ATMs in Australia from your AUD currency 2.95% of the amount withdrawn. Note: some ATM operators may charge their own fee Limits
Minimum amount you can load/reload on your card per load/reload $20 or currency equivalent Maximum amount you can load/reload on your card per load/reload $10,000 or currency equivalent via the online portal or app
$50,000 or currency equivalent via in storeMaximum BPAY reload amount per day $25,000 or currency equivalent Maximum balance allowed across all currencies during any 12 month period or at any one time $75,000 or currency equivalent Maximum ATM withdrawal amount in any 24 hours $3,000 or currency equivalent (some ATM operators may set their own withdrawal limits) Maximum value of EFTPOS transactions during any 24 hour period $15,000 or currency equivalent
For more information on the Currency Card fees and limits, please review the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).